22 research outputs found

    Investigating Entity Knowledge in BERT with Simple Neural End-To-End Entity Linking

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    A typical architecture for end-to-end entity linking systems consists of three steps: mention detection, candidate generation and entity disambiguation. In this study we investigate the following questions: (a) Can all those steps be learned jointly with a model for contextualized text-representations, i.e. BERT (Devlin et al., 2019)? (b) How much entity knowledge is already contained in pretrained BERT? (c) Does additional entity knowledge improve BERT's performance in downstream tasks? To this end, we propose an extreme simplification of the entity linking setup that works surprisingly well: simply cast it as a per token classification over the entire entity vocabulary (over 700K classes in our case). We show on an entity linking benchmark that (i) this model improves the entity representations over plain BERT, (ii) that it outperforms entity linking architectures that optimize the tasks separately and (iii) that it only comes second to the current state-of-the-art that does mention detection and entity disambiguation jointly. Additionally, we investigate the usefulness of entity-aware token-representations in the text-understanding benchmark GLUE, as well as the question answering benchmarks SQUAD V2 and SWAG and also the EN-DE WMT14 machine translation benchmark. To our surprise, we find that most of those benchmarks do not benefit from additional entity knowledge, except for a task with very small training data, the RTE task in GLUE, which improves by 2%.Comment: Published at CoNLL 201

    Learning distributional token representations from visual features

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    In this study, we compare token representations constructed from visual features (i.e., pixels) with standard lookup-based embeddings. Our goal is to gain insight about the challenges of encoding a text representation from low-level features, e.g. from characters or pixels. We focus on Chinese, which—as a logographic language—has properties that make a representation via visual features challenging and interesting. To train and evaluate different models for the token representation, we chose the task of character-based neural machine translation (NMT) from Chinese to English. We found that a token representation computed only from visual features can achieve competitive results to lookup embeddings. However, we also show different strengths and weaknesses in the models’ performance in a part-of- speech tagging task and also a semantic similarity task. In summary, we show that it is possible to achieve a text representation only from pixels. We hope that this is a useful stepping stone for future studies that exclusively rely on visual input, or aim at exploiting visual features of written language

    You CAN teach an old dog new tricks! On training knowledge graph embeddings

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    Knowledge graph embedding (KGE) models learn algebraic representations of the entities and relations in a knowledge graph. A vast number of KGE techniques for multi-relational link prediction have been proposed in the recent literature, often with state-of-the-art performance. These approaches differ along a number of dimensions, including different model architectures, different training strategies, and different approaches to hyperparameter optimization. In this paper, we take a step back and aim to summarize and quantify empirically the impact of each of these dimensions on model performance. We report on the results of an extensive experimental study with popular model architectures and training strategies across a wide range of hyperparameter settings. We found that when trained appropriately, the relative performance differences between various model architectures often shrinks and sometimes even reverses when compared to prior results. For example, RESCAL~\citep{nickel2011three}, one of the first KGE models, showed strong performance when trained with state-of-the-art techniques; it was competitive to or outperformed more recent architectures. We also found that good (and often superior to prior studies) model configurations can be found by exploring relatively few random samples from a large hyperparameter space. Our results suggest that many of the more advanced architectures and techniques proposed in the literature should be revisited to reassess their individual benefits. To foster further reproducible research, we provide all our implementations and experimental results as part of the open source LibKGE framework

    A Relational Tucker Decomposition for Multi-Relational Link Prediction

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    We propose the Relational Tucker3 (RT) decomposition for multi-relational link prediction in knowledge graphs. We show that many existing knowledge graph embedding models are special cases of the RT decomposition with certain predefined sparsity patterns in its components. In contrast to these prior models, RT decouples the sizes of entity and relation embeddings, allows parameter sharing across relations, and does not make use of a predefined sparsity pattern. We use the RT decomposition as a tool to explore whether it is possible and beneficial to automatically learn sparsity patterns, and whether dense models can outperform sparse models (using the same number of parameters). Our experiments indicate that---depending on the dataset--both questions can be answered affirmatively

    A neural autoencoder approach for document ranking and query refinement in pharmacogenomic information retrieval

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    In this study, we investigate learning-to- rank and query refinement approaches for information retrieval in the pharmacogenomic domain. The goal is to improve the information retrieval process of biomedical curators, who manually build knowledge bases for personalized medicine. We study how to exploit the relationships be- tween genes, variants, drugs, diseases and outcomes as features for document ranking and query refinement. For a supervised approach, we are faced with a small amount of annotated data and a large amount of unannotated data. Therefore, we explore ways to use a neural document auto-encoder in a semi-supervised approach. We show that a combination of established algorithms, feature-engineering and a neural auto-encoder model yield promising results in this setting

    Can we predict new facts with open knowledge graph embeddings? A benchmark for open link prediction

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    Open Information Extraction systems extract(“subject text”, “relation text”, “object text”)triples from raw text. Some triples are textualversions of facts, i.e., non-canonicalized men-tions of entities and relations. In this paper, weinvestigate whether it is possible to infernewfacts directly from theopen knowledge graphwithout any canonicalization or any supervi-sion from curated knowledge. For this pur-pose, we propose the open link prediction task,i.e., predicting test facts by completing(“sub-ject text”, “relation text”, ?)questions. Anevaluation in such a setup raises the question ifa correct prediction is actually anewfact thatwas induced by reasoning over the open knowl-edge graph or if it can be trivially explained.For example, facts can appear in different para-phrased textual variants, which can lead to testleakage. To this end, we propose an evaluationprotocol and a methodology for creating theopen link prediction benchmark OLPBENCH.We performed experiments with a prototypicalknowledge graph embedding model for openlink prediction. While the task is very chal-lenging, our results suggests that it is possibleto predict genuinely new facts, which can notbe trivially explained

    On evaluating embedding models for knowledge base completion

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    Knowledge graph embedding models have recently received significant attention in the literature. These models learn latent semantic representations for the entities and relations in a given knowledge base; the representations can be used to infer missing knowledge. In this paper, we study the question of how well recent embedding models perform for the task of knowledge base completion, i.e., the task of inferring new facts from an incomplete knowledge base. We argue that the entity ranking protocol, which is currently used to evaluate knowledge graph embedding models, is not suitable to answer this question since only a subset of the model predictions are evaluated. We propose an alternative entity-pair ranking protocol that considers all model predictions as a whole and is thus more suitable to the task. We conducted an experimental study on standard datasets and found that the performance of popular embeddings models was unsatisfactory under the new protocol, even on datasets that are generally considered to be too easy. Moreover, we found that a simple rule-based model often provided superior performance. Our findings suggest that there is a need for more research into embedding models as well as their training strategies for the task of knowledge base completion

    OPIEC: An open information extraction corpus

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    Open information extraction (OIE) systems extract relations and their arguments from natural language text in an unsupervised manner. The resulting extractions are a valuable resource for downstream tasks such as knowledge base construction, open question answering, or event schema induction. In this paper, we release, describe, and analyze an OIE corpus called OPIEC, which was extracted from the text of English Wikipedia. OPIEC complements the available OIE resources: It is the largest OIE corpus publicly available to date (over 340M triples) and contains valuable metadata such as provenance information, confidence scores, linguistic annotations, and semantic annotations including spatial and temporal information. We analyze the OPIEC corpus by comparing its content with knowledge bases such as DBpedia or YAGO, which are also based on Wikipedia. We found that most of the facts between entities present in OPIEC cannot be found in DBpedia and/or YAGO, that OIE facts often differ in the level of specificity compared to knowledge base facts, and that OIE open relations are generally highly polysemous. We believe that the OPIEC corpus is a valuable resource for future research on automated knowledge base construction